The Speaker Springboard Podcast

Loren Fogelman: Lead with your expertise!

Alfred Poor Season 1 Episode 16

Loren Fogelman is the "Price and Profit Coach" who works with accounting professionals get paid what their worth. Her advice is also relevant to just about any consultant, coach, or solopreneur who wants to break out of the rut of simply trading time for money. We discuss the difficulties of knowing your true value, and the importance of communicating that to current and prospective clients.

Loren has been recognized by HubSpot as one of the world’s top 22 business coaches each year for more than ten years. She has been a speaker at major conferences, including Inbound, which is one of the most popular marketing events for entrepreneurs. Her passion is to empower her clients to double their revenues by working half the time through strategic pricing and effective sales techniques. And she is offering our listeners her detailed "10 Steps to Package and Price Your Services," which you can download for free at

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